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The Numbers Don’t Lie – But You Can Change Them

  • March 19, 2019 10:41 AM
    Message # 7234232
    Deleted user

    We recently listed our home for sale. Beforehand we did some painting – organized storage and generally “dressed things up” to get the best price possible. Business owners contemplating a transaction often take this approach too – dressing up the business for sale.

    But there is a fundamental difference – what we did with our house was largely cosmetic – business owners need to focus on issues that are truly material to their performance. A colleague of mine, who is an M&A advisor says it simply, “the numbers don’t lie” – I would add -- that you can’t hide the numbers either. Consistent revenue growth and solid margins are fundamental drivers of performance. If your sales infrastructure is not producing – it will certainly reflect in your valuation and may make it impossible to find a buyer.  Continue reading by clicking on the attached pdf.

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    Last modified: March 19, 2019 10:41 AM | Deleted user
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