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The Right Mindset is Vital in Leadership

  • April 27, 2021 9:30 AM
    Message # 10370827

    The Right Mindset is Vital in Leadership

    Once upon a time ...
    There were two men who wanted to travel through a forest to reach their destination beyond it. One, in fixed mindset, decides to journey from south to north in the energy of expectation. He maps and plans out the way he has to go to get to his desired destination. He thinks he cannot veer from his chosen path, because he knows this is the only way that will get him to where he wants to go. This is what his path looks like, this is the way he wants to do it, and this is the only option that he believes will get him there. As he moves through the forest, unexpected things lay in wait. There are fallen trees along his path that he must take precious time to remove, because going around them would take him from his path, and this is not an option. It takes effort and he moves along with frustration every time he encounters something he didn't expect in his way. He curses even taking this journey to begin with. He should not have come, and he wonders if he will ever get to where he wants to go. When he finally does arrive, he is exhausted and so focused on the many pitfalls that he had to overcome that he cannot even experience the joy of arriving. 

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    Last modified: April 27, 2021 9:32 AM | Anonymous
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