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Mary Adams: Thoughts on Collaboration

  • May 31, 2020 10:40 AM
    Reply # 9004816 on 3400000
    Gabriel Davy

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  • June 22, 2015 8:46 PM
    Message # 3400000
    XPX Content (Administrator)

    One of the basic tenets of XPX is the concept that it takes a team of advisors to help private business owners achieve the success they envision. Most of the people that join XPX have a belief in the need for effective collaboration and a gut feeling for how to collaborate with other advisors.

    But few or none of us (myself included) ever learned any explicit guidelines for effective collaboration. That's one of the reasons that I'm so excited about the XPX Summit 2013 the theme of which is collaborative innovation.

    In preparation for this, I thought I would share this great article that includes these five guidelines for collaborators:

    1. Agreement on a simple, measureable goal that everyone can understand and rally around.
    2. Leadership from an honest broker.
    3. Commitment from a small number of key organizations.
    4. A small group of individuals who provide the “collaborative glue” of continual communication.
    5. A measurement and evaluation system to keep the project on track

    What do you think? Are these the right guidelines? What's missing? How do you approach collaboration?

    Originally posted by Mary Adams on March 13, 2013 at 10:30am

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