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Success Stories for 2020 from the Business Community

December 22, 2020 10:36 PM | Cheryl Centeno (Administrator)

Program produced by XPX New Jersey.

Success Stories for 2020 from the Business Community

The New Jersey chapter is excited to continue our programming year with another thoughtful and insightful meeting. Our chapter is growing and welcoming professional advisors who help business owners plan for a successful exit. As we continue to examine many of the different planning considerations and decisions an owner needs to face, our members participate in this interactive discussion. We welcome your attendance at our next meeting.

We can all agree that 2020 has been a challenging year for the entire country. With the local business community facing challenges that were unthinkable, operators need to adapt and adjust to survive and maintain their organizations. The list of challenges is long. Equally many businesses were able to adapt quickly and adjust to operate in this new environment.

At this month’s discussion we will hear a few success stories from 2020 and learn insight we can share with our clients. Businesses that were able to adapt and adjust their operations to transition from surviving to thriving. Please join us as we welcome Dale Caldwell, Executive Director of the FDU Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Mitch Cahn, President of Unionwear, a Newark NJ based textile manufacturing company.

Our discussion will address some of the challenges business owners faced this year, and how they navigated around and over them to continue moving forward. Also, what adjustments made in 2020 will be permanent for an organization.

This highly interactive session will allow for participation by attendees in a collaborative format. As an association of experienced advisory professionals for business owners and their companies, we are all focused on delivering the highest level of subject matter expertise to our clients and we would value your expertise and insights. We invite you to join us for this exciting event and for the entire series this year! Please register for this highly informative event. 

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